Four Big Poker Tells to Look Out For
  • admin
  • January 4, 2020
70 / 100

Poker tells are in a sense like leaks. You are basically giving away your cash because you are advertising your moves to your opponents. Here are four tells that are quite common, and you may even catch yourself giving away some of these tells without even realising you were doing it.


Buying In Low


If you are playing a cash game and a player buys in with a small amount of cash, that player is likely to be fairly conservative in their approach to the game. On the other hand, the players who are flashing the cash are the ones that are most likely to play like a loose cannon. (Unless this is a pro of course!).


Two simple strategies are formed from this knowledge. Firstly, bluff more against the conservative player, but call less when he/she bets. Secondly, bluff less against the loose cannon, but call more when he/she bets.


The Uninterested Gaze


In live poker you should always watch what you opponent does when he/she looks at their cards. If that player looks and then gazes away as if uninterested in the action, that player is likely to raise. Some do this out of instinct, while others do it thinking this a great way to hide their big hands.


The Fake Disgust Act


Some players will start to digress their disgust at another players bet. This is a sure tell that the person making the suggestion that the bet is not good nearly always has a strong hand. They are trying to look weak or act as if they have a marginal hand. Without holding the goods yourself, you may as well give up on pots when you are met with this situation.


The Bet Discouraging Tactics


This is a massive tell and most of the time you’ll be right about your opponent if you follow this line of thinking. When it’s your turn to act, your opponent might start to reach for his/her chips as if he/she has already made the decision to bet. They do this to try and put you off betting.


If the board has a straight or flush draw out there, that opponent is probably chasing. Either give your opponent the free card they were looking for via their play acting and see if you can induce a bluff from their busted draw, or bet as not to give your opponent a free card to make their draw.


There are two things you must always remember about tells. Number one is that if you are wrong about the tell you have, this could directly cost you. However, if you don’t test the reads that you have on your opponent’s tells, you can also lose a lot of money indirectly.

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